12.4 Miles, Only One Hill!

Beth%20and%20Holly%20at%20the%20Finish%20Line.jpgYes, I am nuts. Why else would I run twelve miles up to Tioga Pass from Lee Vining? I guess I am even crazier to admit that we had fun! Running amidst such spectacular scenery is great for the adrenaline rush. My fellow runner, Holly Kuehn, and I chatted most of the way, especially about what we would eat once we finished. Our top-notch support crew included YA staffers Corrie, Todd, Michelle, and her husband Ted who kept us well supplied with water, Gatorade, and beer. At the finish line I ate about a thousand cookies and then we headed down to the Mobil Station for a well-deserved dinner. Jack Laws and his wonderful parents, Robert and Beatrice, bought us a chocolate cake to celebrate.